Independent Agent Relief Fund

Introducing the Independent Agent Relief Fund: For Real Estate Agents & Brokers

Independent Agent Relief Fund:
A Financial Lifeline for Real Estate Professionals

Introducing the Independent Agent Relief Fund officially known as the Credits for Sick and Family Leave for the Self-Employed

In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate, staying informed about financial support opportunities is crucial for both agents and brokers alike. We are excited to bring to your attention an impactful program that could significantly enhance your financial longevity – the Independent Agent Relief Fund better know as the Self-Employed Tax Credit or SETC.

This Independent Agent Relief Fund is specifically designed for self-employed real estate professionals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, providing up to $32,200 in non-repayable tax relief.  This means the tax credit is a refundable credit, it’s not a loan or grant. It’s money set aside for real estate agent just like you. However, many in the real estate sector are not yet aware of this much need financial support from the government, and we are on a mission to change that and you can help us. Be sure to share this with your broker and fellow agents. Because there’s money on the table and if you don’t claim it, it’s lost forever.

Normally, the funds could take up to 6 months to receive, but Gig Worker has set up a proprietary system that makes the process fast and easy, allowing eligible participants to receive financial relief in as little as 15 days.

Why This Matters to You:

Quick Access to Funds: Eligible participants can receive financial relief in as few as 15 days with Gig Worker Solutions. The ability to receive financial relief in as few as 15 days can be a game-changer, helping you navigate the challenges brought on by the pandemic with an immediate influx of much-needed funds, but remember you must claim it.

No Initial Commitment Required: We’re here to help you access these funds. There’s no charge to check your eligibility and no obligation to proceed—just support to help you make the best decision for your business. You can use our online calculator to find out how much you could be owed. Be sure to check right away, you don’t want to miss this.

Easy Eligibility Verification: Checking your eligibility is a straightforward, 5-minute process via our online system. We’ve made it as simple as possible for you to determine if you qualify for this invaluable federal assistance program.

Opportunity for Brokers and Agents:

Brokers: Enhance your leadership by informing your team about this opportunity. Collaborate with us and benefit from our partnership program, which can offer additional revenue streams while you support your agents. Be the guiding light that your agents need during these uncertain times.

Agents: Take initiative to secure your financial relief and possibly reinvest in your business, strengthening your professional standing. With this support, you can focus on what you do best – providing exceptional real estate services to your clients.

In these challenging times, the Independent Agent Relief Fund stands as a beacon of hope for real estate professionals. With the ability to receive financial relief in as few as 15 days, this program can be a game-changer for self-employed real estate agents, brokers, and realtors.

Create a Free Account Now to Claim Your Independent Agent Relief Funds


  1. What is the Independent Agent Relief Fund?
    The Independent Agent Relief Fund is a program designed to provide up to $32,200 in non-repayable tax relief to self-employed real estate professionals and other self-employed small business owners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This program is widely known as the Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC) Officially it’s the Credits for Sick and Family Leave for the Self-Employed.
  2. Who is eligible for the Independent Agent Relief Fund?
    The fund is open to self-employed real estate agents, brokers, and realtors who have been impacted by the economic challenges brought on by the pandemic.
  3. How long does it take to receive the funds?
    Eligible participants can receive financial relief in as few as 15 days with Gig Worker Solutions, providing a much-needed influx of funds to help navigate the challenges. Normally, the funds could take up to 6 months to receive, but Gig Worker has set up a proprietary system that makes the process fast and easy, allowing eligible participants to receive financial relief in as few as 15 days.
  4. Is there a cost to check my eligibility?
    No, there is no charge to check your eligibility for the Independent Agent Relief Fund. It’s a simple 5-minute process, and there’s no obligation to proceed if you qualify.
  5. How can brokers benefit from the Independent Agent Relief Fund?
    Brokers can enhance their leadership by informing their team about this opportunity and collaborating with us with our affiliate program. As a broker, you have the opportunity to be a leader and support person for your real estate agents. By informing your team about this program, you can offer additional financial relief as you all proceed through the changing times after the pandemic. Collaborating with the Independent Agent Relief Fund can also provide you with additional revenue streams, further strengthening your brokerage.


In the challenging times of COVID and after, the Independent Agent Relief Fund stands as a beacon of hope for real estate professionals. Take the first step towards securing your financial future and explore this invaluable opportunity today.

Create a free account now, to quickly check your qualification and Claim the money that has been set aside for independent real estate professionals like yourself. Create your free Gig Worker account now and take the first step towards securing your financial future.

Claim Your Independent Agent Relief Funds Now!



The information contained in this post is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be financial or legal advice. While the information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of publication, laws and regulations are subject to change. You should not take any action based on the information in this article without seeking professional advice from a qualified financial advisor or attorney. Gig Workers Solutions makes no warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, or reliability of the content of this Document. Gig Workers shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this Document/post or any others on this its website.

Independent Agent Relief Fund is a name Gig Workers Solutions has used to identify the Credits for Sick and Family Leave for the Self-Employed, also known as the Self Employed Tax Credit (SETC) for real estate agents and brokers.

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